NT20E3 setting to replay traffic using 2 NT20E3 cards

For test purpose we have 2 servers each one equiped with a NT20E3 card.
One server is used as a replayer to send .cap file (nt3gd format) with the replay application.
The other one run an application to catch the traffic.
The 2 cards are connected with an optical fiber on 1 port.
Some packets are lost at receive side and some Crc/Align errors appear.
The 2 cards are setup in FreeRun mode. No external synchro is used.
I assume the packet lost is a synchro problem between those 2 cards.
So here is the question.
How to configure those 2 Napatech cards as 2 NIC cards linked with a straight cable for this kind of test ?
Do I need to use the EXT1 ports to connect the 2 cards ?


Default Asked on October 21, 2021 in Napatech FPGA SmartNICs.
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