Reflashing FPGA on NT20E2

Hi all. I have to tinker with an EoL Cisco appliance and a dead NT20E2 (also EoL, methinks) traffic capture card. I’ve got a replacement card, but it seems that FPGA firmware isn’t old enough for the appliance OS to recognize and use it.

Original FPGA: 200-9220-44-10-0000

Replacement FPGA: 200-9220-50-05-0000

What are my options? Is firmware and flashing tools available anywhere? Is it possible to downgrade it?

(it’s probably possible to dump the flash through JTAG and then write it into the replacement card, but I’ve never done it and wouldn’t know where to start – and it’s probably against the community rules to even discuss it)

Default Asked on December 10, 2024 in Napatech FPGA SmartNICs.
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