Napatech Configuration

I have a NT200A02-01-SCC-2×100 Napatech and the latest driver is already installed, no error upon installation but upon starting the service I encountered an error

07/09/24 06:16:55.045924 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | NtOs_RequestDma: NUMA node 1 is not available/online
07/09/24 06:16:55.045988 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | Failed to allocate segment #0, NUMA node 1
07/09/24 06:16:55.045994 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | HbmSetup: Failed to create DMA pool (rc=0x20000006)
07/09/24 06:16:55.046001 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | Failed to initialize hostbuffer mapper.
07/09/24 06:16:55.046007 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | init: Init Fail: 1044
07/09/24 06:16:55.046026 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | ********************************************************************
07/09/24 06:16:55.046033 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | * Something failed during init. *
07/09/24 06:16:55.046037 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | * Please check the complete log for more info. *
07/09/24 06:16:55.046041 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | ********************************************************************
07/09/24 06:16:55.132782 | 10326 | ERROR | API | 10-1fb54554 | [ntlog] NtService has failed
07/09/24 06:16:55.133241 | 10305 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | NTMSG: Scheduler failed to find listener in its list. Dropping it
07/09/24 06:16:55.133291 | 10326 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | Failed getting Msg authorization. Error code 0x200020E3
07/09/24 06:16:55.133306 | 10326 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | Failed to get entire Msg authorization message. Received 0 bytes, expected 280 bytes
07/09/24 06:16:55.133314 | 10326 | ERROR | OSS | 10-1fb54554 | Raised NTError: 0x10040005 “IPC connection error”
| | | | | File : ntmsg_ntipc.c, Line : 357
07/09/24 06:16:55.133329 | 10326 | ERROR | API | 10-1fb54554 | [ntlog] Failed NT_InfoOpen()

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